Philosophy and Approach to Therapy Therapy as an Exploration of Memory When we think of memory, we often picture it as the ability to recall moments or lessons from our past. But memory is far more dynamic—it shapes every part of our mental lives. It’s what allows us to experience the present in a way that feels whole and cohesive. Our sense of identity and the strategies we use to navigate life are built from the “neural records” that make up our memory. Every moment we encounter is influenced by these stored experiences, often without us even realizing it. Imagine walking into an art museum. The quiet atmosphere invites you to feel calm, reflective, and open-minded. You don’t consciously choose this state of mind—it arises naturally as your surroundings activate certain memories and mental patterns. These changes, subtle yet powerful, help you adapt to the context you’re in. This process, called contextual remembering, is at the heart of how memory operates. It coordinates how you think, feel, and act based on past experiences, aligning your mental state with the present situation. It’s why dancing in a nightclub feels appropriate, while the thought of doing the same in a quiet gallery might make you cringe. But memory doesn’t just guide positive or neutral experiences—it also shapes how we handle emotional challenges. For instance, if your boss gives you a blank stare while you are speaking during a meeting, you might suddenly feel anxious and ashamed. You might blush, become self-conscious, shift in your seat, and begin rambling. This reaction isn’t random; it’s partly your memory recalling and applying past experiences to make sense of the moment. How Does This Relate to Therapy? Therapy, in my view, is an opportunity to explore how memory shapes your present-day thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Rather than focusing solely on your past, I aim to understand why certain experiences trigger specific reactions in your current life. Through this exploration, we can identify patterns rooted in your memory, bring them to light, and begin the process of reshaping them. This approach allows us to: Deepen your understanding of yourself. Experiment with new ways of thinking and responding. Create meaningful experiences that help you break free from unhelpful patterns. Build greater flexibility and resilience in handling life’s challenges. Seen this way, therapy becomes a conversation that helps you connect with your memories—whether recent or long-standing—and rewire them in ways that foster calmness, contentment, social connection, esteem, mastery, flexibility, and purpose. Methods My approach is rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), but it’s not limited to it. I integrate methods from various therapeutic traditions to tailor the process to your needs. These include: Schema therapy and psychodynamic principles to explore patterns and deeper emotional themes. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to promote flexibility, self-compassion, and mindfulness. Mentalization-based techniques to enhance emotion regulation. Finally, I draw on a range of practical interventions to help my clients overcome specific challenges. These include: deep breathing and grounding techniques behaviour experiments assertiveness training exposure therapy for anxiety disorders and phobias exposure and response prevention for OCD behavioral activation for depression executive coaching for ADHD cognitive processing and prolonged exposure for trauma and PTSD And any form of experiential learning that can be transformative and healing A Final Note Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all prescription. Rather, it is a dynamic process where client and therapist work together to create a unique path towards growth. I am fortunate to have a profession that is always enriching my understanding of others and how to help them live more calm and content lives. Dr. Levi Riven Founder & Clinical Psychologist Dr. Levi Riven is a clinical psychologist, certified with the Ontario College (CPBAO) to provide clinical psychology services to adults. He obtained his Ph.D. from Concordia University and completed his clinical residency at the McGill University Health Centre. Dr. Riven founded Riven Psychology in 2020 as an in-person and online private psychology practice, as well as a training centre for therapists working towards certification.
Dr. Levi Riven Founder & Clinical Psychologist Dr. Levi Riven is a clinical psychologist, certified with the Ontario College (CPBAO) to provide clinical psychology services to adults. He obtained his Ph.D. from Concordia University and completed his clinical residency at the McGill University Health Centre. Dr. Riven founded Riven Psychology in 2020 as an in-person and online private psychology practice, as well as a training centre for therapists working towards certification.