Comprehensive Assessment
The first step is a thorough assessment. We’ll explore your symptoms, challenges, and goals in depth to develop a personalized treatment plan. This phase is key to understanding your experience and tailoring therapy to suit your needs. -
Components of Therapy
- Building Understanding
We’ll start by exploring how anxiety operates—what triggers it, how it’s maintained, and why it feels so difficult to manage. This foundation helps you make sense of your experience and sets expectations for the rest of therapy.
- Strengthening Coping Skills and Building Readiness
You’ll learn practical tools for managing anxiety, including relaxation techniques, and strategies for staying grounded in the present. This phase is designed to prepare you for exposure therapy.
- Exposure Therapy: Facing Fears Gradually
We will begin confronting anxious situations gradually, starting with small challenges and building on successes. Each step will help you build confidence and reduce unhelpful safety habits.
- Identifying Thought Patterns
Anxiety is often fueled by unhelpful thinking patterns. Together, we’ll uncover and challenge these thoughts, replacing them with more balanced and constructive perspectives.
- Sustaining Progress
As treatment progresses, we’ll focus on maintaining your gains and preparing for future challenges, so you feel equipped to navigate life with greater ease and confidence.
- Building Understanding
Frequently Asked Questions
What are anxiety disorders?
Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive and persistent worry, fear, or unease. They involve a heightened perception of threat in certain situations and a tendency to avoid those situations. People with anxiety disorders often develop unhelpful safety habits to cope with perceived threats. These safety habits can reduce one’s quality of life, but they can be replaced by more beneficial techniques for managing anxiety.
What are the different types of anxiety disorders?
There are various types of anxiety disorders, each with its own specific symptoms and triggers. Some common types include:
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Persistent, excessive worry about everyday matters.
- Panic Disorder: A fear of having panic attacks, which prevents someone from leading a normal life. .
- Agoraphobia: Anxiety about situations where escape might be difficult or help unavailable if panic-like symptoms occur.
- Social Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety in social or performance situations due to concerns about judgment or rejection.
- Illness Anxiety Disorder: Preoccupation with having or developing a serious illness.
Specific Phobias: Intense fear of particular objects or situations.
How are anxiety disorders diagnosed?
A mental health professional diagnoses anxiety disorders through a comprehensive assessment. This typically involves:
- Psychological Questionnaires: Validated screening instruments are used to identify a range of possible symptoms and quantify their severity. This provides preliminary information for further clarification. Questionnaires alone are insufficient for reaching a diagnosis.
- Clinical Interview: The clinician will collect information about the presenting difficulties, the history of the problem, the individual’s personal family and medical history, assess the client’s needs and goals, and evaluate how the difficulties are impacting their life.
How does therapy help with anxiety?
Dr. Riven relies primarily on cognitive-behavioural techniques to help individuals understand their anxiety, develop techniques to better regulate it, motivate them to confront fears and make meaningful life changes, and guide them through the steps of exposure therapy. Through this process, an individual’s anxious beliefs and threat perception is reduced, and they become more confident in the situations that once provoked fear and avoidance.
What is exposure therapy?
Exposure therapy is a core component of CBT for anxiety disorders. It involves gradually confronting feared situations in a safe and controlled environment. By repeatedly facing their fears, individuals learn that the anxiety eventually subsides, and they can cope with the triggers that once frightened them.
Can medication help with anxiety?
Yes, medications can help with anxiety. However, CBT is the first-line recommended treatment for anxiety disorders in Canada, as it is a non-invasive potentially long-lasting therapy that emphasizes personal development.
However, medications for anxiety, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are also considered a first-line intervention either in conjunction with CBT or on their own depending on the situation.
SSRIs may be recommended to facilitate CBT when anxiety is severe, or on their own when an individual is unable to access a qualified therapist. A family doctor or psychiatrist can determine if medication is appropriate for you.